
What If We Loved?

Thanks to the current election, I’ve seen people who carry the name of Christ into the world doing and saying things that are divisive, superior, elitist, xenophobic, revolting, hypocritical, and downright hateful. And those are things being done and said *to other Christians*!

I’ve fallen prey to some of these impulses myself. We all have, regardless of where we fall on the political spectrum.

I don’t understand what’s happened to make us so divided. No one on the political stage deserves enough power over us that we’ve lost interest in unity and in being Jesus to the world. Politics has taken precedence, even becoming synonymous with faith in some circles!

In this new world, we care only about US and THEM.

WE are always right, WE know the actual truth about everything, WE know what’s best for everyone in every situation, and WE have all the best ideas for moving our nation forward.

Oh, and WE have exclusive access to Jesus.

THEY are no longer our brothers and sisters in Christ, because they don’t vote the way we do. THEY are THE ENEMY. And THEY will be taught the error of their ways–with extreme prejudice. THEY have secretly “fallen away” from the faith, and are to be feared, hated, pitied, told off, blocked, cut out of our lives, and canceled.

Who would Jesus fear, hate, block, or cancel?

Why has the church become so OBSESSED with politics? In my Bible, I don’t see Jesus caring one good spit about who was the ruling power of His day, and that’s because HE knew who was REALLY in control.

Have we forgotten the sovereignty of He who holds every heart, every word, and every moment in the palm of His mighty hand??

Yes or no, right now: Do we believe that God is always in control?

We either do or we don’t. And our answer is displayed by our actions.

If we truly believe in our hearts that the God of the Universe is in control of all things, that He will never leave us nor forsake us, that He is always for us not against us, that He cares for the smallest of creatures so how much more must He care for us…

What are we doing?

Why are we funneling so much time, emotion, energy, money, resources–even trading RELATIONSHIPS–for a human construct that could not be more temporary, self-serving, and contentious: politics?

It’s like a virus that’s wormed its way into the American church, taking our eyes off the ball.

I’m done with it. I will do my civic duty and vote. I will stay mindful of current events.

And barring any extreme circumstances, that’s where it stops. Because nowhere in the Bible does God ask me to build a Christian kingdom–sorry I mean nation–here on Earth.

Do you know how many times in the Bible Jesus invites us to join Him in building the eternal Kingdom of God?


How do we help build God’s kingdom? I’m glad you asked.

We forgive.
We love one another as much as we love ourselves.
We shine our light in a dying world.
Turn the other cheek.
Give of yourself more than is required.
Give your money with a joyful heart, and do it privately.
Care for the least of these.
Have faith.
Show mercy.
Make disciples.
Always, always act out of love.

THAT’s the key, isn’t it. It always comes back to love.

Love is God’s THING. It’s His favorite thing in the whole universe. You could say it’s His defining attribute–because He has said exactly that.

So of course Jesus said the world will recognize His followers by our love. We have to love more than just our inner circle, though. We have to display GOD’s brand of love, and it’s that’s an ALL-encompassing, self-sacrificial kind of love.

Uniformity is not a prerequisite of unity. We really CAN have differing ideas and opinions and yes, even votes, and still be one Body. One Church.

The Church of the risen Savior who will reign forevermore.

Please join me in praying that God’s church will turn it’s eyes away from this obsession with the wicked world of human politics, and back on He Who Is Greater, and all that is eternal.